Lexi Belle Likes ASS-tor Play
10 years agoLexi Belle Likes ASS-tor Play
10 years ago
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Can He Score?
Lexi Belle
Lexi Belle
This week on Can He Score we have the very beautiful, very youthful Lexi Belle. This darling maybe cute and have quite a cartoonish voice, but she's got a viscous body.She has great legs! Those legs are as thick as tree trunks, supple tits and a big fat ass that's hardly containable. Lexi Belle is the complete package, but underneath that tight body and the cute persona lies a massive black spot of smut. She is a FREAK! For one thing she likes to Bang dudes with a strap on...ouch! So Because we now know this we had to hook her up with someone who can handle her. So Lexi meet Alex Astor; he just broke up with his girl who just recently decided she wanted to become a Fetish pornstar. So broken hearted Alex needed to meet someone who's a little crazy and into tying him up in black leather and making him do her laundry and changer her litter box. But that's not what we want. We want to know that before he becomes a slave to her every whim...CAN HE SCORE?
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